Cleaning and Disinfecting of Surfaces

  • Contact

Clean and disinfect surfaces in vehicles properly

Contact surfaces of vehicles interiors, thoroughly clean or disinfect on a regular basis. Hygiene is especially important when several people share a vehicle – such as car-sharing, rental cars, and taxis. As a leading manufacturer of surfaces for vehicle interiors, our materials meet the highest standards.

Our Recommendation:

  • Soap and water for cleaning
  • Water-based disinfectants - using "wipes" (disinfectant cloths)

Soap and water is effective to clean the high-quality surfaces produced by Continental in most standard situations. Often, the use of disinfectants may be used to further ensure safety. These types of cleaners may damage surfaces if not used properly.

Continental has completed extensive tests on the compatibility of various disinfectants on our surfaces. The following are recommendations for the use of common disinfectants on our different surfaces. In general, water-based disinfectants are well tolerated by the entire Continental portfolio.

Tests on the Compatibility of Disinfectants on our Surfaces

The results are summarised in the following matrix. These recommendations are in line with the required hygiene measures as well as the disinfectant resistance of our materials.

Disinfectant Recommendation

Disinfectant Reccomendation for Continental Surfaces

* Efficacy against bacteria, germs and viruses has been confirmed by the manufacturers for the disinfectants tested. Please observe manufacturer’s instructions for the disinfectant chosen.
Recommended products
Products more likely to damage Continental surfaces
Note: Information on the composition of disinfectants is current as of July 2020. Continental cannot be held responsible for any changes in the formulation of disinfectants by the manufacturer.

In principle, Continental surfaces are designed to tolerate a wide range of available disinfectants; however, we do not recommend the use of solvent-based disinfectants alone, as they may attack surfaces. For this reason, please review the content of the cleaner before application on the surface.

In addition, disinfection using “wipes” (disinfectant cloths) is recommended over large-scale spraying. Regardless of the means of application, the disinfectant should be able to act according to the manufacturer’s instructions after being applied and then wiped with a dry cloth.